Geologist, Chris Landau, on high pressure drilling
B.P, Halliburton and Transocean have unleashed Armageddon and now there is no stopping it.
By Chris Landau
This is our worst nightmare. The oil industry has killed the Gulf of Mexico.
My worst fears have been realized. If this link is true and the oil is coming through the sea floor, they have either blown out the formation or blown out the cement (which we know they did anyway to get the blowout to occur).
I am beginning to realize why they have not wanted to close the valves on the cap. The more they close it, the more oil is going to come up through the sea floor, next to the well casing.
I listed 12 points in my attached article. The really big concern here is that their directional wells are now pointless. They are GUARANTEED to fail because you can not pump mud or cement into a blown out well. It just does not set with oil and gas roaring past.
The next biggest concern is that they have to get 8 new wells in immediately to relieve the background oil and gas pressure. The oil is going to start coming up at an ever increasing rate along the casing and the blowout preventer. The oil and gas is going to act as a high pressure washer and erode away all the sandstone and mudstone. There is nothing they can do about it.
This is also the end of B.P. The claims will go on forever.
What these guys do not understand is that it is much worse than they think. Here is the reason why.
They need to date the oil to find out how old the oil is. The rock formation might be 30 to 200 million years old here. I do not know and have not looked at under sea maps.
The oil is either old oil, say almost as old as the formation, or they have drilled into a massive active fault zone that is reducing carbon dioxide to methane.
If it is high inhydrogen sulfide, it is reducing calcareous sediments to oil and more natural gas in the presence of salt solutions. Now they are providing more saltwater, so via the Wurtz Synthesis more oil is going to be created than natural gas. The methane is going to be converted to ethane, propane, butane, pentane and other long chain organic compounds.
You see if oil is being made now, at a very rapid rate in this area, the pressure is never, ever going to drop off along the casing and the oil is going to flow into the gulf forever.
The only hope to reduce the pressure will be by sinking more new wells into this area and try and drain off the oil and gas as quickly as it is being made.
You see oil is basically inorganic. It is not made from dead squashed plankton. It is not a fossil fuel. It is an inorganic chemical compound reduced from calcareous sediments and carbon dioxide and methane gas. My peer reviewed published papers using chemical and thermodynamic equations show how this occurs. The link to the papers is available below.
Of course although I was published by The American Institute of Professional Geologists in 2009 and the Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists in 2008, it does not mean that my theories are accepted by the majority of geologists. It will probably take 50 years, as with the theory of Continental Drift to get accepted by geologists in general. Maybe this disaster will shave off 20 years. Things evolve slowly in geology!
We can only hope it is old oil. We can only date oil back 100,000 years by carbon dating, but that is fine. We need to know if this oil is 10 to 100 years old and if its age is changing as it escapes. Is the escaping oil getting older or younger? So we need to start dating the oil on a weekly basis to see what is happening.
I volunteer for the job.
One last point that the public does not understand. It is not about deep water drilling where the problems have arisen. It is about high pressure oil and gas drilling that creates the problems.
These zones can be found on land as well as at sea and can start from as little as 10000 feet, not the 20000 of this well. These high pressure wells have always been a problem. Of the millions of wells drilled, there are thousands of these ticking time bomb, high pressure wells in existence and new ones are being drilled every day. New risks are being taken daily.
The world has to make a concerted effort to get off oil. It is killing us.
I hope I have not been too technical, but the matter is grave.
This is the video showing Senator Nelson reporting the oil is coming up through the sea floor:
As a geologist, I delivered two peer reviewed presentations to prove the theory, one to the Association of Engineering and Environmental Geologists in 2008 (AEG). See, page 17.
The other was to The American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG) in October 2009.
See, page 94.
Chris Landau
530 751 9829
916 469 8807
Listen to the archived show "Eco-Logic" on
Chris Landau is one of those interviewed, along with Riki Ott and Heather Rogers, on Tuesday, June 15 2010 at 11 a.m.
About the show:
Tuesday June 15, 11am-Noon
Oil, Catastrophe and the Commonwealth
The current BP oil-blowout and catastrophic event we are now immersed in places us at the center of a momentous ecological call to action. The deep distress, misery and major misfortune radiating from the Gulf of Mexico will no doubt bring national, international and global suffering. This is the moment to not only mobilize all resources for emergency action in the Gulf, but also to transform our political and social reality to account for ecological and humanitarian imperatives. Please tune in for a conversation with marine biologist Riki Ott, geologist Chris Landau, and journalist Heather Rogers. Hosted by David Occhiuto.
Oil, Catastrophe and the Commonwealth
The current BP oil-blowout and catastrophic event we are now immersed in places us at the center of a momentous ecological call to action. The deep distress, misery and major misfortune radiating from the Gulf of Mexico will no doubt bring national, international and global suffering. This is the moment to not only mobilize all resources for emergency action in the Gulf, but also to transform our political and social reality to account for ecological and humanitarian imperatives.
"Commonwealth", in the traditional sense, is the term for a political community founded for the common good; a state in which the supreme power is vested in the people; a republic or democratic state constituted to promote the general welfare. Perhaps we are at a turning point where the commonwealth, as defined by dedicated citizen action, will execute a series of decisive deathblows to the era of deregulation, corporate-personhood, and corruption of the legislative powers of government for private gain.
Please tune in to WBAI/Pacifica Radio in NYC on Tuesday, June 15th, from 11am to Noon for a conversation with marine biologist Riki Ott, geologist Chris Landau, and journalist Heather Rogers.
Marine toxicologist/marine biologist/community activist Riki Ott: Riki has experienced firsthand the devastating effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill. She is the author of 'Sound Truth and Corporate Myth$: The Legacy of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill' and 'Not One Drop: Promises, Betrayal, and Courage in the Wake of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill'. Riki is currently doing emergency response work in the Gulf region.
Geologist Chris Landau: Chris is very concerned that the slant/directional relief wells that are being drilled could actually make matters much worse. There are already indications that the main wellbore has lost integrity and oil is seeping from the seabed in multiple places. Chris is calling for BP to publish the 'mudlogs' (schematic cross sectional drawing of the lithology of the well ) as vital maps to assist in finding solutions to stop the uncontrolled oil gusher. The links below outline an independent geological perspective.
Journalist Heather Rogers: Heather documents and provides analysis of political and economic obstacles to ecological well-being. Heather's new book is entitled 'Green Gone Wrong - How Our Economy Is Undermining the Environmental Revolution'. “This carefully researched, deeply human, and eminently sensible investigation arrives just in the nick of time. Let’s hope it inspires a radical course correction.” —Naomi Klein, author of The Shock Doctrine
For info about 'Move To Amend':
The Campaign to Legalize Democracy - Join the Movement to Abolish Corporate Personhood - a calling to amend the U.S. Constitution to abolish the legal doctrine of "Corporate Personhood" - the illegitimate notion that a corporation can claim political and civil rights to overturn democratically enacted laws.