Newsletter Issue 39
Posted by Info@ NEOGAP on Sunday, May 31, 2009
Under: Newsletters- Discontinued Due To High Volume

Ohio Oil & Gas Association (OOGA) is working hard to ensure the proposed committee to review public health and safety/ environmental health rights is removed as it may 'lead to complications with them getting permits in urbanized areas':
Note: Please purchase the weekly edition of Chagrin Valley Times - several more articles available only in hard copy (not online)!
3 Stories on NEOGAP Meeting & Updates on Bainbridge - Banks Says Homes Worthless
Cutter Oil accused by neighbor of ruining new water well
Warren Neighborhood Meeting Televised
This was WFMJ's coverage from the neighborhood meeting- go to www.wfmj.comand view the story titled "Gas Well Controversy in Warren."
Mayfield, Ohio
ALERT: Please purchase the Plain Dealer daily as a big story will soon be released on your struggles, proposed oil/gas law changes and NEOGAP.
**Safety Alert**
Question to ODNR Inspector Norbert Lowder May 4 re: Gas Wells that are connected directly to homes and businesses. Specifically regarding the fact that the odorent (Mercaptan) which is used to detect unburned Natural Gas has not been added. Mr. Lowder confirmed that the odorant is not in the gas supplied to homes and businesses that are directly fed by the Gas Well.
The problem: This practice was outlawed elsewhere following the disaster in TX below:
Excerpt: "The disaster killed in excess of 295 students and teachers, making it the worst catastrophe to take place in a U.S. school building... concluded that the connection to the residue gas line was faulty. The connection had allowed gas to leak into the school, and since natural gas is invisible and is odorless, the leak was unnoticed. To reduce the damage of future leaks, the Texas Legislaturebegan mandating within weeks of the explosion that thiols(mercaptans) be added to natural gas.[1] The practice quickly spread worldwide.**
Please note that raw gas fed from the ground into the structure of the lease holder is also not processed and thus is in more of a 'raw form' which can contain higher hydrocarbons; principally ethane, propane, butane, pentanes, water vapor, hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbon dioxide, helium, nitrogen, and other compounds some of which can accelerate corrosion of fittings and pipes potentially facilitating leaks such as what occurred in the catastrophe above.