NEOGAP Newsletter Issue 40


Radio Event - Topic: Dirty Drilling

Including guest Kari Matsko from NEOGAP

Wednesday at 4:00pm on the internet to listen and follow the instructions

The Mainstream Media Project
Bringing New Voices and Views to the Airwaves

Station: WERE Cleveland, OH
Host: Ed ‘Flash’ Ferenc, Host,
Show: America’s Work Force


1. Thanks to tireless efforts this month in Columbus by Ken Messinger Rapport, Linda Butler and many others behind the scenes Senator Grendell is introducing NEOGAP drafted legislation to improve OH Oil and Gas Law (Statute 1509).  Please encourage your Senate reps to co-sponsor this bill.

2. There are also several Representatives interested in sponsoring our bill in the House. NEOGAP will be meeting with Senate and House Reps throughout July to secure support.

3. ODNR Director Sean Logan and Strickland's staff have also met with NEOGAP in an effort to better understand the effects oil/gas exploration is having throughout neighborhoods. 

4. NEOGAP supported bi-partisan federal legislation was recently introduced which would require gas/oil companies to follow the same rules as other industry under regulation of the Safe Drinking Water Act and disclosure of  chemicals they are injecting through our ground water sources. GET INFORMED:

*TO TAKE ACTION - Please request your federal representative co-sponsor this bill(see sample letter at end of email)

5. ODNR Weekly Update on Bainbridge Status -6/08/09

Explosive (LEL ) readings were collected on June 4, 2009. Current readings have been posted and are available at:

 Status of Waterline Installation

The Geauga County Department of Water Resources expects the waterline plan to be before the County Commissioners for final approval at their next regularly scheduled meeting on June 25.

 Status of Expanded Investigation

The expert committee continues to receive and review information.  The next meeting with committee members is currently being scheduled.

6. Ohio Budget Proposal. Have an opinion on all the talk about gas drilling proceeding so flawlessly on private lands that it should now be permitted on state lands?  Please click below - and thanks to all those who wrote letters to the editor (especially the Plain Dealer to correct the perception that everyone in 'ritzy neighborhoods' love their gas wells)


- Includes updates from 4 gas well forums held by Senator Grendell, NEOGAP and ODNR

Warren Meeting-

"We had over 200 residents from NE Warren in attendance at the Board of Education meeting last night, and they all stood up to say "NO" to gas wells in our backyards.  Check out the story on, wytv.comor  We also had a great article on the front page of the Local section in today's (June 10) Tribune Chronicle."

Mayfield Heights- Logan Faces Hanover Woods (Forum 1)


Highland Heights - Logan Defends Drilling  (Forum 2)


Gates Mills – Over 100 Crowd Well Forum (Forum 3)

Gates Mills Adds Tax to Gas Wells

Another School Looking to Drill
Lake County (Gas Well Forum 4)
(Was not covered by News Herald however Representatives Schneider and Fende were present along with Senator Grendell and numerous local officials)
Vanessa Pesec
Meegan Demagall
Sandra Turner, PhD
If you'd like to lead the effort in your area please reply to this email to get involved and in the loop of the steering committee. We need volunteers to target important local officials from mayors to commissioners who will support meaningful reasonable gas/oil improvements.
Thanks- we all need all the help we can get!
Are you tired? Taken a backseat lately? No problem, PLEASE take a small step below and NOMINATE NEOGAP!
Help the OEC recognize those who have made significant contributions to improving Ohio's environment. Nominate a "green" individual, business, or organization for an Environmental Achievement Award.

Consider nominating a green leader in the following areas:
  • a lifelong environmental advocate
  • a local citizen or grassroots group
  • a business that promotes green products, technologies, or business practices
  • a print, radio, online, or TV reporter of environmental issues efforts by an individual or group in the area of conservation
  • a public or government agency official
  • an accomplished student or youth activist

You may also nominate by phone (614) 487-7506 or e-mail.
Deadline for nominations is July 16.
THANK YOU AGAIN to everyone who now and/or in the past have put your own time and effort (and money!) into working to make your neighborhoods a better place. NONE of us can do this alone and any and all changes for the better which come about are a DIRECT result of all the things you do. DO NOT think that your 1 letter or 1 conversation sometime somewhere did not make an impact- it takes ALL OF US AND EACH & EVERY LITTLE STEP (no matter how minor you think it may have been at the time)!


Dear Colleague:

We are writing to ask you to co-sponsor the “Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals (FRAC) Act” (H.R. 2766).

Natural gas, the cleanest burning fossil fuel, plays an important role in our energy portfolio as we transition to a new energy future.  The United States is fortunate to have significant resources to help meet the changing needs of our economy, and natural gas exploration will only intensify in the coming years.  Producing oil and gas, however, should not come at the expense of public health.

The oil and gas industry uses a process called hydraulic fracturing in 90 percent of wells, whereby tens of thousands of gallons of water, sand and chemicals are injected at high pressure into underground rock formations to blast them open and increase the efficiency of the wells.  “Fracking,” as it is known, often occurs near underground sources of drinking water.  However, a provision was added to the Energy Policy Act of 2005 exempting this industry from complying with the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), one of our landmark environmental and public health protection statutes.  No other industry has a similar exemption. 

This is a major concern because fracking fluids are believed to contain highly toxic chemicals such as benzene, toluene, methanol and formaldehyde.  These compounds, which can contaminate drinking water, are kept secret from the public as “proprietary information.”  However, even low concentrations of toxic chemicals can have adverse health and environmental consequences.  A number of cases have been reported around the country whereby residents and workers have become ill or groundwater was found to be contaminated after fracking operations began in their communities, including in Colorado, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Alabama, Wyoming, Ohio, Arkansas, Utah, Texas, and New Mexico.  This is not simply anecdotal evidence; scientists have found enough evidence to raise concerns as well, especially since non-toxic fracking fluids are available.

We recently re-introduced legislation, the “Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals (FRAC) Act” (H.R. 2766), to repeal this exemption, ensure that drinking water supplies are protected, and allow safe hydraulic fracturing operations to continue.

Please join us in co-sponsoring this important legislation.  To become a co-sponsor, please contact Steve Plevniak in Congresswoman Diana DeGette’s office at 5-4431 or; Michael Iger in Congressman Maurice Hinchey’s office at 5-6335 or; or Jonathan Asher in Congressman Jared Polis’ office at 5-2161 or


Diana DeGette                                    Maurice Hinchey                                Jared Polis

Member of Congress                          Member of Congress                          Member of Congress

Disclaimer- The information provided in this and all NEOGAP Newsletters is necessarily of such a general nature that it cannot be regarded as legal advice. Readers faced with issues involving this topic should consult counsel.