June 15, 2010
Join the movement and help stop the irrefutably destructive impact of natural gas drilling. This summer we are organizing a national campaign to get this country to wake up to this perilous practice. You can support our efforts by making a tax-deductible donation here.
(Sweet Jane Productions, Inc. is the non-profit parent company that produced GASLAND)
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Next Monday at 9 P.M. EDT, Gasland will be presented on HBO! Gather your friends together and host a house party. Here's our free party toolkit. We'll help you organize your event soup to nuts. To help promote your party, share the Gasland spark below on your Facebook page, website and blog.
New Yorkers - Join Josh Fox for our pre- premiere screening at HBO on June 17th. The party starts at 6 pm with a reception for all ticket holders. Screening begins at 7 pm. This event is free but you must RSVP here. HBO's theater is located at 1100 Avenue of the Americas (6th Ave) at 42nd Street. |
Can you light your water on fire? If you've experienced the harmful effects of natural gas drilling on your property, e-mail us your story. We're creating a national registry of stories to share with the public and Congress this Fall.

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1.Tell your Representatives to support the FRAC Act here. 2. New Yorkers: Call your State Senator to advocate for the Englebright/Adabo Bill 518-455-2800. 3. Pennsylvanians: Demand a statewide moratorium. Tell your Representatives to support HB 2213. Find their contact info here. |
We are now booking a community screening tour for July and August. Please contact Stephanie if you are a community organization interested in hosting Josh Fox and a screening of Gasland. Please note, DVD's go on sale in December and so we are not able to sell DVD's for screenings until then.
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Posted by Info@ NEOGAP. Posted In : EVENTS